Friday, March 6, 2009

Is anybody awake?

A new year, a new avenue. We are launching in less than 30 days a new name, new website and some unique new tools, I’m very excited and you should be too. Yes, yes, insurance is not that exciting but given the times I think we should all get a little more excited when we see ways to decrease our costs.

We have been reducing business cost now for twelve years but we still run into the problem of prospective clients not believing in what we do. I think it could be compared to a guy carrying a laptop computer to a business in the1960’s and telling the business all that it could do for his business, and then asking would you like to buy one for only $700. The business owner would throw him out on his ear and think he was crazy. Telling the guy we have the mail to deliver information. Now, I know that sounds quite crazy knowing what we now know, but we get the same response at times. We get comments like “our insurance agent shops our insurance for us every year –they’re an independent agent you know”. Yes, they are and they still are paid a percentage of what you pay so when your premiums go up they get a raise, which sounds unbiased to me. We get comments like “our agent tells us this is the best deal”. Of course they do, why he would tell you I’m ripping you off by 40% because I care so much about you. But here is the worst part, I have this client in San Diego 300 employees, nice company – I worked up some preliminary numbers the savings was 50% they have a premium of $520,0000 a year and we got it down to $258,000 it was so scary that they passed on it. I looked like a deer in the headlights because I’m so confused as to why ANY company in this environment would want to take a pass on a savings so large. The obvious, they think it is from Mars not Earth. It is, you know. It is just not reasonable that we could save a company of that size, that much money. It is unfathomable that an insurance agent or carrier would charge that much over the market price. I would think the fact that I can get that same premium with their current insurance agent and carrier would help ease the fear, but no they want to leave it alone. I’m serious, this happened this year. Business owners – WAKE UP, your missing opportunities because your in fear of what you don’t know – there are great tools coming down the path and you need to check them out before you dismiss them. A few come to mind – ranks your 401K plans, shows you how to get the best deal on cell phones and credit cards, tells you the high and low price of a new car. All around you are money saving companies or ways to find out how your programs are working. You don’t have the time for any of this, but I can assure you if you don’t make the time you will be in far worse shape down the road. A company in Los Angeles last month with 150 employees just saved $230,000 on his workers’ compensation, it’s true and if you want to have a powerful, successful company you need to pay attention and find out where you can minimize your costs while your sales staff focuses on increasing your sales. Keep an eye out for new opportunities, our new name and site will be watch for it - it's going to make a huge difference.

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